
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Asilbek Kh. Matismoilov” ,找到相关结果约1366条。
Seed Germination and Vegetative Propagation of Promising Decorative Lonicera tatarica L. (Caprifoliaceae Juss.), Introduced into the Tashkent Botanical Garden (Uzbekistan)  [PDF]
Sobitjon S. Nosirov, Nargiza K. Rakhimova, Asilbek Kh. Matismoilov
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2023.144033
Abstract: Seed germination (in laboratory and field conditions) and vegetative reproduction (by cuttings) of a promising decorative species—Lonicera tatarica L. (Caprifoliaceae Juss.) was studied for the first time in the conditions of introduction of the Tashkent Botanical Garden of Uzbekistan. Thus, the optimal temperature for germination of L. tatarica seeds in laboratory conditions is +20°C + 22°C, at which germination was 73%. The germination rate of seeds sown in autumn in the field was 62%, and the germination rate of seeds sown in spring was 71%. It was noted that in greenhouse conditions at an air temperature of 20°C - 22°C and a relative humidity of 49% - 53%, the rootability of cuttings was 75%. It was revealed that the studied species adapted well to the conditions of introduction. Taking into account the effectiveness of vegetative reproduction of L. tatarica, it can be recommended for improving the aesthetic condition and landscaping of cities, landscaping and landscape design.
Analysis of Mutation Rate at 27 Y-STR Loci in
Normatov Asilbek
- , 2018, DOI: 10.5923/j.ijge.20180601.01
Abstract: We analysed 68 samples from biological grandfathers, fathers and sons from Uzbek families were analysed in this study using Y-filer Plus assay, in order to estimate the mutation rate of 27 Y-STR loci in the population. Each families was previously confirmed by autosomal STRs testing (AmpF?STR? Identifiler Plus? kit, Applied Biosystems) with paternity probability ≥99.99% and also confirmed mono-zygotic or dizygotic twins. Results showed that, In 17 grandfather-father-sons pairs, a total of 17 mutations were detected including 4 gains of single repeat mutations, 13 losses of single repeat mutations (note 1). An overall locus average of 1.2% rate of mutation was estimated for the 27 Y-STR loci. Our findings are encouraging and concur with previous studies showing that by 27-YSTR typing the discrimination power of male relatives could be considerably increased in comparison to every YSTR markers commonly used in forensic genetics
Phytotherapy of calcium urolithiasis with extracts of medicinal plants: Changes of diuresis, urine pH and crystalluria
Asilbek Gaybullaev,Saidakhror Kariev
Medical and Health Science Journal , 2012,
Abstract: At present the phyto-preparations is still widely used in the clinical practice. The simple extracts (infusions) from medicinal plants which have diuretic effect seem to be the most available for preparation and usage. Unfortunately, both physicians and patients consider that the extracts may be prescribed for a long time without limitation. Most of them are used only with purpose to increase diuresis. Meanwhile they have ability to change other urine parameters. We performed study of effect of the extracts from medicinal plants of the region on the diuresis and urine pH. Degree of crystalluria was determined as the criteria for evaluation of the activity of the process of stone formation. The results of investigations showed that the extracts from medicinal plants besides diuretic effect can in some cases reliably change urine pH and crystalluria degree.
Phytotherapy of calcium urolithiasis with extracts of medicinal plants: Changes of diuresis, urine pH and crystalluria
Asilbek Gaybullaev,Saidakhror Kariev
Applied Technologies and Innovations , 2012,
Abstract: At present the phyto-preparations is still widely used in the clinical practice. The simple extracts (infusions) from medicinal plants which have diuretic effect seem to be the most available for preparation and usage. Unfortunately, both physicians and patients consider that the extracts may be prescribed for a long time without limitation. Most of them are used only with purpose to increase diuresis. Meanwhile they have ability to change other urine parameters. We performed study of effect of the extracts from medicinal plants of the region on the diuresis and urine pH. Degree of crystalluria was determined as the criteria for evaluation of the activity of the process of stone formation. The results of investigations showed that the extracts from medicinal plants besides diuretic effect can in some cases reliably change urine pH and crystalluria degree.
Simulation of Dose Assessment for Special Environmental Radioactivity Distribution Using Monte Carlo Technique  [PDF]
Kh. Allam
Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation (OJMSi) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ojmsi.2014.23011
Abstract: Many researchers use the estimation method of exposure doses due to natural radioactivity adopted by UNSCEAR equation, which is based on an infinite plan source modeling. The results in most cases are acceptable within acceptable accuracy and error. However, in many cases, this approach cannot be applied e.g., for more complicated source geometry, composition, radioactivity distribution and so on. In previous situations, simulation and modeling are needed for exposure dose calculation to get more acceptable and accurate results. In the present work, modeling and recalculation of exposure dose rate are performed for an important previous published study about Hammam Pharaon. The study is selected because of its special physical characterization parameters and possible effects on Egyptian tourism. The effects of radionuclides distribution with soils and source composition, density, and geometry as recommended by NCRP 129 have been taken into consideration. The results for depth profile calculation show the conformation with the NCRP 129, which indicates a reduction in the free air exposure dose due to the fact that the above soil covered the active slab by 20% - 25% for 1 cm cover-up to 95% - 100% for 30 cm cover. In addition, the effect of density variation in dose rate is studied. A comparison with previous results has been performed.
To the Question of Validity Grüneisen Solid State Equation  [PDF]
Vladimir Kh. Kozlovskiy
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2012.24038
Abstract: The first justified theory of solid state was proposed by Grüneisen in the year 1912 and was based on the virial theorem. The forces of interaction between two atoms were assumed as changing with distance between them according to inverse power laws. But only virial theorem is insufficient to deduce the equation of state, so this author has introduced some relations, which are correct, when the forces linearly depend on displacement of atoms. But with such law of interaction the phase transitions cannot take place. Debye received Grüneisen equation in another way. He deduced the expression for thermocapacity, using Plank formula for energy of harmonic vibrator. Taking into account the dependence of atomic vibration frequency from distance between atoms, when the forces of interaction are anharmonic, he received the equation of state, which in classical limit turns to Grüneisen equation. The question, formulated by Debye is—How can we come to phase transitions, when Plank formula for harmonic vibrator was used? Debye solved this question not perfectly, because he was born to small anharmonicity. In the presented work a chain of atoms is considered, and their movement is analysed by means of relations, equivalent to virial theorem and theorem of Lucas (disappearing of mean force). Both are the results of variation principle of Hamilton. The Grüneisen equation for low temperature (not very low, where quantum expression for energy is essential) was obtained, and a family of isotherms and isobars are drown, which show the existence of spinodals, where phase transitions occur. So, Grüneisen equation is an equation of state for low temperatures.
To Problem of the Rewinding of the Tape with Automatically Adjustable Influences  [PDF]
Muhsin Kh. Teshaev
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/am.2014.515217
Abstract: In this work the problem of rewinding of a tape with constant speed is considered. Considering that drums represent bodies of variable weight, the equations of motion of system are formulated. Taking into account parametrical clearing of system of servo-constraints, the structure of force of reaction of servo-constraints which provides steady realization of servo-constraints (a constancy of linear speed of a tape) is defined. For realization of servo-constraints, it is offered to build digital watching system (DWS) and the full system of equations of DWS is formed. Laws of change of the operating influences, systems providing stability under the relation of the variety defined of servo-constraints are defined.
The Boguslawski Melting Model  [PDF]
Vladimir Kh. Kozlovskiy
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2016.61007
Abstract: The anharmonic vibrator, whose expression of potential energy contains second and third powers of coordinates, is treated on the basis of dynamical procedure, which presents the state of motion by means of mean position and mean amplitude of vibration. The divergent statistical integral comes here not into consideration. The free energy is represented through mean atomic displacement and developed in power series, retaining fourth degree. The graphs show that at certain temperature, the minimum in free energy disappears, and the atom escapes from the potential pit. A simple atomic model that represents this phenomenon is proposed and the influence of model dimension and pressure on melting temperature will be presented.
Dynamical Examinations of Vibrator Models, Describing Some Non Elastic Properties of Crystals  [PDF]
Vladimir Kh. Kozlovskiy
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2017.73007
Abstract: On the base of a vibrator atomic model the mechanical and thermal properties of the object are analyzed. The potential energy of the vibrator is represented by means of positive term with coordinate deflection in second power and negative term with deflection in fourth power. With the use of dynamical procedure of calculation, which permits to calculate mean deflection and root mean square amplitude of vibrations, the dependence of applied force from mean amplitude and temperature is calculated. This dependence shows a maximum (or minimum, when the direction of force is reversed), the height of which diminishes with rising temperature. When the force reaches the value of the maximum, the object does not elastic counteract to the force, and gliding begins. It is also considered a vibrator with positive term, containing the deflection in second power and a term, where the deflection treats in third power (Boguslawski vibrator). Exact calculations of the dependence of the force from the temperature in adiabatic process, where the entropy is maintained constant, shows that it is represented by means of a curve with a maximum, so that stretching leads to cooling till the point of maximum is reached.
Model of Cubic Cell for Description of Some Phase Transitions in Crystals  [PDF]
Vladimir Kh. Kozlovskiy
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2018.84011
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to develop a dynamical theory of phase transitions in crystalline structures, when except for temperature, the pressure is acting. So, the phase diagram temperature-pressure (dimensions) must be constructed. In general case, it is a complicated question, which can be solved for simple models of crystal, as three atomic models, introduced in the work of Frenkel [1]. In this model, three identical atoms are placed on the straight line and interact with the forces, which can be described by the expression, given in the article of Lennard-Jones [2]. Such simple model may have success, when the crystalline structure is simple, which consists of one type of atoms, for example: carbon. The model was generalized to cubic cell model with a moving atom in the inner part of the cell. The rigorous calculation of phase diagram for transition graphite-diamond shows some similarity with results of numerous experimental investigations (which are not discussed here). So, the way of phase diagram calculation may attract attention.

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